hi bogdan,
i'm trying to understand this in order figure out what to do in the future.
- the need for a new reliable release - delayed or low-quality releases
are affecting the credibility of the project
are all the open dialog and tm related issues on openser tracker fixed in opensips?
- degradation of the project quality - testing, performance measurements
and code quality control are overlooked
i have been actively testing and measuring trunk version of openser since january. i assume that many others have been doing the same. could you be more specific?
- lack of the control, management and coordination of the project -
critical project issues could not be handled or solved
are you referring the local route issue? it was finally solved, but perhaps not to everybody's liking, which is normal in any democratic process.
- a 6 months release cycle, but with no compromise for the technical
what does that mean?
- extensive testing and performance measurements before each major
how is that managed?
- technical management with a strict developer hierarchy and developer
cooperation to prevent deadlocks or un-availabilities
how does this hierarchy currently look like? i didn't find anything about it on opensips web site. is there a technical "president" or "king" at the top of the hierarchy?
- intellectual honesty by having decisions taken on value-based
criteria and arguments.
how does this work with the strict 6 month release cycle?
i don't claim that openser project has worked flawlessly, but the description in opensips announcement does not yet convince me either.
-- juha