
Can you send dump of the both side of call.
I using this module into production I have a lot of Re-Invites and does not have this problem.

Best regards,
Sergey Basov                     e-mail: sergey.v.basov@gmail.com

2017-06-15 10:18 GMT+03:00 Abdoul Osséni <abdoul.osseni@gmail.com>:

I have an issue when loading topos module on Kamailio 5.0.2 version.

root@proxy:/home/tcpdump# kamailio -V
version: kamailio 5.0.2 (x86_64/linux)

The call flow is: uac --> kamailio --> Asterisk

1) Invite from uac
2) Kamailio forward the invite to asterisk
3) asterisk send 200 OK to kamailio
4) kamailio send 200 OK to uac -> in the conctact header, i can see the IP address of kamailio
5) uac send ACK to kamailio and kamailio forward the ACK to Asterisk
6) uac send re-invite: "media change" to kamailio.
7) kamailio forward the re-invite to asterisk and asterisk send 200 OK to kamailio
8) kamailio send 200 ok to uac --> but the contact header contains IP of Asterisk and not kamailio: is it normal?

Thank for you help.


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