On Jul 07, 2003 at 12:57, Mario Kolberg mko@cs.stir.ac.uk wrote:
I have a problem with ser 0.8.11pre36 (i386/linux) which is the stable version downloaded from cvs: Often when I start it, it pretends to be ok (log file says Listing on ....) but in fact all ser processes are dead. I need to start it a few times usually, to get it running. Once it is running and I try to shut it down it writes a lot (thousands!) of error messages into the log file. Messages in the log seem to be repeated. This also occurs if no single message has been sent to it.
I attach the config file I'm using and a short extract from the log file.
Could you set debug=7 and send the gzip-ed logs (when it does not start and when it succesfully start and you shut it down) to serhelp@lists.iptel.org?
You could also set log_stderror to yes ( or start ser with -E) and redirect stderr to a file: ser -E [other options] 2>/tmp/log.
Thanks, Andrei