Hi, All
Currently, I try to install Kamailio as a partial call-stateful server. My purpose is:
A call B. (sendrecv) A hold B (sendonly) A call C(sendrecv) A hold C (sendonly) A unhold B (sendonly)
Because of Some bugs on A, when I repeat hold/unhold very fast, eg.
A -----B (sendrecv), A ---C (sendonly) When switch hold/unhold A send reINVITE to C(sendrecv) before A set B(sendonly), some real proxy server will reply "491 request pending".
I want to simulate this server with Kamailio. I use setflag. But I find this flag's lifetime is within a transaction. In a new transaction, the flag's initial value is 0.
Eg. I plan: When get sendrecv in SDP of INVITE request, I setflag(11). //flag 11 on When get sendonly in SDP of INVITE request, I resetflag(11). //flag 11 off When get sendrecv again, if (isFlagSet(11)), I send 491.
But next time when get sendrecv, the flag 11 is 0. even though I comment the lines I reset the flag.
I wonder if there's any other mechanism that I can use to record the state and can be used as flag.
Could you give me some hint?
Thanks in advance.