
that can happen if you have CARRIER_IP as value for alias global parameter or inside the domain module records with register_myself modparam enabled. Can you chack if any of those cases happens?


On 24.07.20 12:58, Jonathan Hunter wrote:

Hi Guys,


Sorry if this is too generic or silly a question but I am testing

kamailio 5.3.5 within Azure and its behind NAT.


I am having an issue with passing an ACK from our internal side back out to

the carrier side and it appears having run loose_route a none local route-header is

consistently being removed by kamailio at this point.


ie Route: <sip:CARRIER_IP;lr>


Is this normal or configuration related?


As I am unsure within what scenario I would remove a route header which doesnt contain the local

Proxy IP.


Please can someone advise?


Many thanks




Sent from Mail for Windows 10


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