Parallel forking situation.
Btw, exactly same issue also happens with serial forking.
A => B => C
A invites with g711/g722
B generates early 'ringback' audio g711 durcing 183
B times out, serial forking to C with inital SDP from A
B answers with g722
I agree with Daniel, that messages from C contain a different to tag
than the ones from B, so one could argue, this is not the same session.
But I doubt the companies building SBC takes such details into account.
In fact, I traced the issue again, our commercial SBC, operating in
B2BUA mode is using a different set of ToTag,FromTag on each leg and
the ToTag on the A leg are the same despite the ToTag on the B leg
being different after forking. So from A's point of view, an additional
SDP answer is receivedin the same session, which shall be dropped.
So, still wondering, is there a way so issue a Re-Invite or Update from
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
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