as a former level3 engineer who wrote some of level3s voip platform parts and current customer i can tell you with certainty that level3 only enforces the e.164 requirement on the from and to header during interop. if you can mock up your headers long enough to pass interop and production turn up you can then safely terminate traffic to l3 without e.164 formatting. they will not refuse your calls once you make it to production.
of course a better solution may be choosing a meta carrier like ( where i work )
hope this helps
On 11/29/06 3:38 PM, "Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya" wrote:
FWIW, i've been bemoaning the lack of 'To' rewriting for a while myself. Level3, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that they need the RURI, From, and 'To' headers to be in a very specific format (prepended '+', 10 digits, etc., etc.) I can get the RURI and 'From' exactly the way they need it, but the 'To' is definitely beyond my ability.
Do let me/us know if you intend to go ahead with 'uac_replace_to'. It would be trememdously useful...
cheers ----- Original Message ----- From: Alan Crosswell To: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu Cc: users Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:35:22 PM GMT-0600 Subject: Re: [Users] modifying From/To headers with uac module?
Thanks Bogdan. I'll have to double-check with them; They may have only meant they wanted the From in E.164 so that Caller ID works correctly. /a
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hi Alan,
my advice is to change the PSTN termination since their service is not RFC compliant - TO header has no use in routing, only the RURI being used (according to the RFC 3261 ~ 3 years old).
but to answer to your question, yes that is the proper place and the mechanism is 95% the same as for FROM hdr.
regards, bogdan
Alan Crosswell wrote:
I see that UAC allows modifying the From header, but I would also like to modify the To. This is because an ITSP I will be testing with wants the From and To to be written in E.164 form (rewriting the R-URI appears not to be good enough) while my internal registrations use a 5-digit extension. It looks like uac is the right module for this but it appears that it can only modify the From header with uac_replace_from() and uac_restore_from(). Would this be the right place to add uac_replace_to() and uac_resotre_to() as well?
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