Soren (Home) wrote:
I don't really understand the advantage, but it is something like you want to share the locations between different instances of SER? (and not just by sharing the database)
First of all I want to use enum for peering partners who want to route their calls over our PSTN gateways. These entries can be inserted when new numbers are allocated and removed when they are released by our peering partners via a defined interface. This is a quite straight-forward task and only requires SER to query the database.
But theoretically I could also insert "real" locations, which could be used for looking up numbers with phone extensions.
My current situation is that I have UACs that connect to ISDN PBX. The UAC registers with 012345@ and behind the PBX there exists the phone extension 1000. Now someone calls 0123451000@my.domain, a does_uri_exist() returns false. So I have to strip down the number to the base number 012345, for which I can look up the location. The problem is that the URI now is sip:012345@ instead of sip:0123451000@ Now I could implement my own lookup-function which keeps the user-part and replaces only the host-part with the IP of the registered base number.
But since I want to use enum anyway, I thought that I could use enum also for this scenario, because with enum I could insert wildcard-locations and use regexps, so that 012345.*@my.domain always resolves to 012345.*@
Locations can change rapidly, while I would think of ENUM as "semi"-static information. Typically DNS takes atleast some few hours to spread, however, It could be different if you are using local DNS-server (w/o cache) and point your resolv.conf to it.
Right, it's just a local noncaching DNS server.