Hi andrey,
        I have made follwing changes in ser.cfg

                #export SIP_DOMAIN = 202.87.x.x

        when I run
        # /etc/rc.d/init.d/ser restart
        I get this log

----------------------log starts here -------------------------
        Starting ser:  
         0(5116) WARNING: fix_socket_list: could not rev. resolve 202.87.x.x
         0(5116) WARNING: fix_socket_list: could not rev. resolve 202.87.x.x
        WARNING: no fork mode
        stateless - initializing
         0(0) Maxfwd module- initializing
        textops - initializing
         0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 110592
        Listening on
               udp: 202.87.x.x [202.87.x.x]:5060
                 tcp: 202.87.x.x [202.87.x.x]:5060
               *: 202.87.x.x:*

         0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142
         0(0) ERROR: udp_init: bind(6, 0x810237c, 16) on 202.87.x.x: Cannot assign requested address
        [root@oradb1 /]#
----------------------log ends here -------------------------  

From: "Andrey Kuprianov" <andrey.kouprianov@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Serusers] Using IP address as domain
To: serusers@iptel.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


AFAIK, SIP_DOMAIN you need to export anyway.. Just put your IP instead
of the name. Then this SIP_DOMAIN will be used to properly add
contacts to your subscriber table. So, if your domain is an IP
address, newly added ppl will have an IP instead of domain for their
host part of URI. Try also to specify alias as you IP address, i.e.


You may also try to add a domain entry to the domain table with serctl
(that is if you use functions in your config such as
"is_uri_host_local()"), i.e.

serctl domain add 202.x.x.x

Hope it will work for you.


On 9/20/06, mukesh <mukesh@hungama.com> wrote:
> Hi friends,
>        I have SER (with database support) running on my linux box. But I do
> not have a domain name registered for the IP of this machine but it does
> have a public IP (202.87.xx.xxx) address which allows me access it from
> outside.
>        If I try to access (using sipsak client) a uri from local system it
> fails.
>        example URIs  I am trying are ...
>        sip:mukesh@<public ip>
>        sip:mukesh@<public ip>:5060
>        ...with no result :(
>        I referred http://mit.edu/sip/sip.edu/ser.shtml to configure my
> ser.cfg.
>        So the question is How can I connect to SER using IP and do I need
> to use "# export SIP_DOMAIN=<public ip>"?
> Regards
> Mukesh