First I'd eliminate a dialplan issue by registering both endpoints to the same gatekeeper. This will eliminate any of the obvious cross zone issues. Assuming this works then the next thing I'd try is to place an inter-zone call using the fully qualified h.323 e164 address or alias depending upon the dialplan in use. You didn't mention anything about the zones. I'm assuming the gatekeepers are responsible for different non-overlapping zones and the endpoints register correctly.
Good luck, Steve wrote:
I'm trying to connect 2 GKs. Version 2.2.0 is used in both GK. GK_A has an EP registed to it with alias 1001, GK_B has an EP registed to it with alias 2001. In GK_B, I set GK_A as Permanent EP like [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints];1 When I dial 1001 from 2001, I see an ACF from the status port, right after that I get a DCF. By tracing the log in GK_B, I get : ProxyChannel.cxx(1984) Q931 DIDN'T ACCEPT THE CALL where is the IP for GK_A. But in GK_A, nothing related to GK_B in the log. Please help me to find out the problem. Thanks.
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