We are using a few carries where we are sending calls to, each of them is using a special prefix in the From header in order to manage the callerid. Some of them are not recognizing headers like P-Asserted-Identity or Remote-Party-ID, so for them we have to replace the From header with the corresponding prefix. The way we do - it's by using the uac_replace_from function, which works fine.
The problem is when we are sending the same call to the failover trunk, and that trunk is using a different prefix. We have to call again the uac_replace_from function which is appending the new prefix to the existing one, something like:
From: <sip:12345@domain.localsip:+12345@domain.local>;tag=as404cb50c
I was trying to use uac_restore_from() function and call again uac_replace_from, but the result is the same.
Is there any way to call the uac_restore_from function twice for the same call?
Thank you.