Hi All

I am using using openser 1.3..if I make a call between two softphones on the same lan or a a pstn call to my mobile phone..and the called/receiver party does hang-up the call. It works fine in UDP mode and the call get’s hang-up. However in TLS mode this does not work. Anything I might have missed here? Since both udp and tls use the same routes, and voice is fine and no one way audio ..etc.

I notice this http://pastebin.com/m38c979f6 on rtp proxy. However in the logs of openser I can’t see any errors.

However on the wire shark I can see icmp destination unreachable…port unreachable.

I would have said it is a NAT issue. However it works for simple UDP.


However I did notice the following in the logs


Aug 28 13:41:01 [8565] DBG:tm:set_timer: relative timeout is 4000000

Aug 28 13:41:01 [8565] DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [7]: 0xb6137794 (45900000)

Aug 28 13:41:01 [8565] DBG:tm:retransmission_handler: retransmission_handler : done

Aug 28 13:41:02 [8564] DBG:core:parse_msg: SIP Request:

Aug 28 13:41:02 [8564] DBG:core:parse_msg:  method:  <BYE>

Aug 28 13:41:02 [8564] DBG:core:parse_msg:  uri:     <sip:michofr@;transport=UDP;rinstance=D98C1DD404B2008F980980E97E42F8EC;nat=yes>

Aug 28 13:41:02 [8564] DBG:core:parse_msg:  version: <SIP/2.0>

Aug 28 13:41:02 [8564] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=2

Aug 28 13:41:02 [8564] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232, <branch> =


Shouldn’t the transport=TLS ?


