I'm continue my job to 'migrate' my 3.3.1 kamailio.cfg script on a RHEL 6.2 server to the 5.0.x kamailio version on a RHEL 7.1 server, and I encounter a major problem with the '== $null' test in the script.
My original script (3.3.1) contains this sequence :
$var(i:rangeInx)=0; $var(i:maxRangeInx) = $sht(mbxrangeHash=>"maxrange"); xlog(" imbxRangeInx value before test : '$var(i:maxRangeInx)' "); if ($var(i:maxRangeInx)==$null) { $var(i:maxRangeInx)=99; } xlog(" imbxRangeInx after test : '$var(i:maxRangeInx)' ");
==> The results are : imbxRangeInx value before test : '0' imbxRangeInx value after test : '99'
I run the same script on my new server and I get '0' before and after the test.
I attempted another kind of test to try to figure out where the problem is. So I write the simple test (with kamailio 5.0.x) :
$var(i:rangeInx)=0; $var(i:maxRangeInx) = $sht(mbxrangeHash=>"maxrange"); $var(toto) = $null; if ($var(toto) == $null) xlog ("toto true"); else xlog ("toto false");
The result I got is always 'toto false'.
So it appears to me that the test '== $null' doens' that gives a good result with kamailio 3.3.1, doesn't return the same with kamailio 5.0.x.
That is a major issue for me and it let me confused about the possibility to move to kamailio 5.0.x.
Have people an idea / explanation, why this issue ?
Cordialement Patrick GINHOUX