Me again, sorry, but the docs aren't really noisy about AVP details...
So if I have user preferences for both the caller and callee and load them from DB and print them using the following:
avp_db_load("$avp($uuid_caller)", ""); avp_db_load("$avp($uuid_callee)", ""); avp_print();
then they may overlap because of the same ID (say "i:102" for toggling some specific feature on/off), but according to the debug output both are present:
INFO:avpops:print_avp: p=0x4056db90, flags=100 INFO: id=<102> INFO: val_int=<1>
INFO:avpops:print_avp: p=0x4056dc68, flags=100 INFO: id=<102> INFO: val_int=<0>
So is it possible to selectively access the avp-value of both $uuid_caller and $uuid_callee? Something like $avp(i:102)[0] and $avp(i:102)[1] maybe?
Thanks, Andy