I must say this problem with Asterisk versions before 11.11 remains a
mystery, after upgrading to Asterisk 11.11 and a while of setting up
Asterisk realtime fields and also upgrading to sip.js I managed to get
calls flowing between websocket and Zoiper clients.
In case someone is having similar problems as I did, I think the most
relevant problems were in Asterisk configuration and its older version.
In addition, although this didn't completely solve my problems with the
earlier Asterisk version, it may be useful to someone working with Kamailio
and Asterisk:
Thank you Richard and everyone for helping. Even though the original
problem was never solved, all this has been extremely useful and
2014-07-31 20:28 GMT+03:00 Olli Heiskanen <ohjelmistoarkkitehti(a)gmail.com>om>:
Thanks for your efforts, now after lots of hours trying different ways and
working through my config, I'm baffled. Somehow I think I must have done
something wrong when combining different tutorials (like use of dispatcher,
realtime integration and websocket clients). Something I noticed was that
before I had a rtpproxy_manage("CO"); call in NATMANAGE route. I had
changed it to rtpengine_manage("replace-origin
replace-session-connection"); by comparing mediaproxy-ng and rtpengine
documentations. I wonder if this might mess up the sdp and appear in logs
as if some flags are missing? In some of my tests the rtpengine_offer_flags
variable had null value in some places, I didn't analyse that yet in any
detail but that does tell me that something's happening that shoudln't.
I decided to upgrade my clients to using the Onsip sip.js (0.6.1) instead
of jssip. Also, I upgraded my Asterisk to 11.11.0. I started getting
different results, namely a whole new set of problems; the location lookup
keeps failing when trying to make calls from any client. I'll start
investigating that now and try different clients etc. When I get calls
working again I can focus on the sdp side.
2014-07-24 16:44 GMT+03:00 Richard Fuchs <rfuchs(a)sipwise.com>om>:
On 24/07/14 09:27 AM, Olli Heiskanen wrote:
That's odd... I pulled a new version from git master 4 days ago, and
copied the compiled rtpengine to /usr/sbin, which is running. (although
might help verifying the version if command rtpengine --version gave
actual output instead of 'undefined') :)
Any chance my environment might cause something like this? For example I
can't use kernel packet forwarding as I'm running these on a virtual
server. I don't think this problem has anything to do with the kernel
module but maybe something environment related (virtual server, nat,
having Asterisk on the side, etc...), or maybe the way I've written my
I can't imagine what. The selection of active/passive is pretty
straightforward and doesn't depend on much of anything. The
offer/answer/delete commands as reproduced in full in the log are all the
input that rtpengine gets, and with the same input it should always produce
the same result.
The only thing to consider is that in your pasted log, the "offer"
command is truncated in the SDP and so some of the flags are missing. I
don't think they would make a lot of difference though, and I tried a few
different variations and still couldn't reproduce it.
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