Hi ,
Sorry for previous question. Finally it seems i got confused because traffic my UA was sending was not properly encrypted .Then when doing server tcpdump wireshark was seeing it still as RTCP (and not SRTCP) when jumping on rtpproxy :-) When fixed problem in user agent all traffic is SRTCP and rtpproxy just bridges it to the destination.
I was thinking of some interaction because new feature at
https://github.com/sipwise/mediaproxy-ng ( (B
ridging between RTP and SRTP user agents) but i understand this feature to decode SRTP can only be enabled when mediaproxy-ng is used (that feature is not supported by rtpproxy, but by mediaproxy-ng correct?).
BTW can this feature be enabled easily when mediaproxy-ng is used? Is that enabled using following flags on rtpproxy_offer etc? (s, S, p, P - These flags control the RTP transport protocol that should be used towards the recipient of the SDP. If none of them are specified, the protocol given in the SDP is left untouched. Otherwise, the "S" flag indicates that SRTP should be used, while "s" indicates that SRTP should not be used. "P" indicates that the advanced RTCP profile with feedback messages should be used, and "p" indicates that the regular RTCP profile should be used. As such, the combinations "sp", "sP", "Sp" and "SP" select between RTP/AVP, RTP/AVPF, RTP/SAVP and RTP/SAVPF, respectively.)