
Thanks for the quick reply!

I have edited my file: /etc/openser/openserctlrc  and using the command openserdbctl create,  I am able to  create the database.

But if I run the  command : /usr/local/sbin/openserctl moni
I am getting error:
database engine 'MYSQL' loaded
Control engine 'FIFO' loaded
ERROR: Error opening OpenSER's FIFO /tmp/openser_fifo
ERROR: Make sure you have the line 'modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/openser_fifo")' in your config
ERROR: and also have loaded the mi_fifo module.

I have checked openser.cfg file and checked that I have included necessary lines in it for fifo module, i.e. I have loaded the module as well as included the line: 'modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/openser_fifo")' in openser.cfg file.

I dont know where I am doing the mistake. Please help me if you are able to run openser successfully and also register the user client on it.

Also, I dotn know how to de-install the existing version of openser so that I can re-install the fedora version of openser as said by you. However, since I am able to run this version from /etc/init.d/openser start and also able to create databases and add users, should I proceed with this only?

I get the mysql.sock error only when I try to start openser from /usr/local/sbin/openser start. Why is it so?

When I run start openser and have created the users and I try to register them, I get problem that: Destination unreachable. Is it due to that UDP sockets are not in LISTEN mode initially and only TCP ports are?

Please help me with whatever knowledge you have. I am really stucked. :(

Thanks again

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Jan ONDREJ (SAL) <ondrejj@salstar.sk> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 11:18:50AM +0530, Megha Saini wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed OpenSER, openser-1.3.1-notls from:
> http://openser.org/pub/openser/1.3.1/src/ on Fedora Core 8.

Why you don't use Fedora packages?
You can install openser-1.3.0 from fedora updates or openser-1.3.1 from
updates-testing using yum:
 yum install --enablerepo=updates-testing openser openser-mysql

> However, when i try to create database:   /usr/local/sbin/openserdbctl
> create
> I get the error as:
> database engine 'mysql' loaded
> INFO: test server charset
> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.socket' (2)
> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.socket' (2)
> Usage: egrep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
> Try `egrep --help' for more information.
> /usr/local/lib/openser/openserctl/openserdbctl.mysql: line 112: [: =: unary
> operator expected
> INFO: creating database openser ...
> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.socket' (2)
> ERROR: Creating core database and grant privileges failed!

Looks like your mysql root passowrd is wrong.
Please do not set openser RO and RW user to root. This script does not like
it. Please edit /etc/openser/openserctlrc file and set your options and then
try to run:
 openserdbctl create

Works for me, but not for UTF8 engoding (keys are too long here).
