Thanks for the quick reply!
I have edited my file: /etc/openser/openserctlrc and using the command openserdbctl create, I am able to create the database.
But if I run the command : /usr/local/sbin/openserctl moni
I am getting error:
database engine 'MYSQL' loaded
Control engine 'FIFO' loaded
ERROR: Error opening OpenSER's FIFO /tmp/openser_fifo
ERROR: Make sure you have the line 'modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/openser_fifo")' in your config
ERROR: and also have loaded the mi_fifo module.
I have checked openser.cfg file and checked that I have included necessary lines in it for fifo module, i.e. I have loaded the module as well as included the line: 'modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/openser_fifo")' in openser.cfg file.
I dont know where I am doing the mistake. Please help me if you are able to run openser successfully and also register the user client on it.
Also, I dotn know how to de-install the existing version of openser so that I can re-install the fedora version of openser as said by you. However, since I am able to run this version from /etc/init.d/openser start and also able to create databases and add users, should I proceed with this only?
I get the mysql.sock error only when I try to start openser from /usr/local/sbin/openser start. Why is it so?
When I run start openser and have created the users and I try to register them, I get problem that: Destination unreachable. Is it due to that UDP sockets are not in LISTEN mode initially and only TCP ports are?
Please help me with whatever knowledge you have. I am really stucked. :(
Thanks again
Why you don't use Fedora packages?
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 11:18:50AM +0530, Megha Saini wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed OpenSER, openser-1.3.1-notls from:
> http://openser.org/pub/openser/1.3.1/src/ on Fedora Core 8.
You can install openser-1.3.0 from fedora updates or openser-1.3.1 from
updates-testing using yum:
yum install --enablerepo=updates-testing openser openser-mysql
Looks like your mysql root passowrd is wrong.
> However, when i try to create database: /usr/local/sbin/openserdbctl
> create
> I get the error as:
> database engine 'mysql' loaded
> INFO: test server charset
> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.socket' (2)
> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.socket' (2)
> Usage: egrep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
> Try `egrep --help' for more information.
> /usr/local/lib/openser/openserctl/openserdbctl.mysql: line 112: [: =: unary
> operator expected
> INFO: creating database openser ...
> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.socket' (2)
> ERROR: Creating core database and grant privileges failed!
Please do not set openser RO and RW user to root. This script does not like
it. Please edit /etc/openser/openserctlrc file and set your options and then
try to run:
openserdbctl create
Works for me, but not for UTF8 engoding (keys are too long here).