I'm trying to extra account exported pseudo variables. should this work?
modparam("acc", "db_extra", "source_ip=$si;source_port=$sp;received_ip=$Ri;received_port=$Rp;tls_peer_subject=$tls_peer_subject");
nomal logging is fine: xlog("L_INFO","[$Tf] $$tls_peer_subject = '$tls_peer_subject'\n");
results in: [Wed May 3 16:11:52 2006] $tls_peer_subject = '/C=at/ST=Vienna/L=Vienna/O=itsp2/CN=itsp2.labs.nic.at
But the accounting fails: ERROR:acc:extra2strar: failed to get 'tls_peer_subject'
Is there a known problem? Is it because when the accounting is done, there is no more TLS connection available to retrieve the cert parameters?
Meanwhile I will try the workaround with copying to AVPs and accounting of the AVPs.
regards klaus