I used Kamailio+rtpproxy to record a session and rtpproxy outputs the following files
long_file_name.a.rtp, long_file_name.a.rtcp, long_file_name.o.rtp, long_file_name.o.rtcp
http://www.rtpproxy.org/wiki/RTPproxy/FAQ From the Rtpproxy FAQ above, i tried to extract the audio using rtpbreak and sox.
rtpbreak -W -r long_file_name.a.rtp rtpbreak -W -r long_file_name.o.rtp
The above commands generate rtp.0.0.raw, rtp.1.0.raw.
Then when i run sox using sox --combine merge -r 8k -A rtp.0.0.raw -r 8k -A rtp.1.0.raw -t wavpcm -s out.wav i get the following errors :
sox: invalid option -- - sox: -c must be given a number
Is there a switch/anything else that i am missing ?
Thanks in advance, Regards, Vikram.