I'm not 100% certain, but I thought Dan Pascu just committed some changes to the CVS head branch last week that accomodated this in the mediaproxy.so - again, I'm not 100% certain about this.


On Apr 7, 2005 1:31 AM, Greger V. Teigre <greger@teigre.com> wrote:
The nat=yes is specifically to catch re-INVITEs. You should therefore only
test for its presence under the loose_route() section.

Iqbal wrote:
> Hi
> I was looking through the doc, and wanted to know do I need to lines
> 64,65 and 84 (page 30)
> In line 64 I am testing for client_nat(3) and INVITE and then adding
> record_route_preset header
> then in the loose_route section I am checking again for INVITE
> nat_test(3) and seeing og nat=yes is added to route line, and then
> setting the flag = 6, can I not just do this in line 65, i.e set the
> flag above, and then in 84 say something like
> if isflagset(6) use mediaproxy
> Iqbal
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