After you did a GRANT ALL in mysql, did you either restart mysql or do a
'flush privileges' command to ensure that all the user/permissions data is
On Sat, 23 Sep 2006 15:24:01 -0700, John Shellhouse wrote
Hi All,
I am sure I must be missing something just not sure what it is. I
granted the permission in mysql:
GRANT ALL ON openser.* TO 'openser'@'dbhost' IDENTIFIED BY
as stated in the Install guide and then launched the server from
terminal with ./script/server and in the browser typed:
http://myomain:3000 which displayed the login page.
I then typed into the login:password area openser:openserrw
But I was unsuccessful each time. Does anyone have any idea what I
am missing or doing incorrectly?
Thank you.
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