IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
Remember: OpenSer is not dialog aware (except using "dialog" module, but
not the purpose).
OpenSer is just transactions aware. In a simple dialog there are at least
those transactions:
- INVITE (from caller to called) and responses 100, 180, 200.
- ACK (from caller to called)
- BYT (from caller to called) and response 200.
All these 3 transactions becomes a dialog JUST in the endpoints (phones), but
for OpenSer they are completely INDEPENDENT transactions.
I recomend you study it a lot since it's vital:
Indeed, another website to consider is
tech-invite.com. E.g.
explains what a SIP dialog is and shows how such a dialog is created and
And if you think this is complicated, have a look at
http://tech-invite.com/Ti-ims-sesflow-1.html ;-)