Hello Everyone,
I found the issue where $rU was miss matching AOR. AOR is 10101 and $rU is 10101-f9d8885664888255ec76762bfcfbd09c. The hash is added by bria push server.

So I solved the issue by correcting a little the lookup function.

if($hdr(User-Agent)=~"PBX") {
$avp(oexten) = $(rU{s.select,0,-});
$var(lookup) = "sip:" + $avp(oexten) + "@" + $rd;
xlog("L_INFO", "Match User-Agent, looking user --> $avp(oexten) and R-URI [$ru] in db\n");
} else {
$var(lookup) = $ru;
xlog("L_INFO", "Looking user --> $var(lookup) in db\n");
if(!lookup("location","$var(lookup)")) {

and so on ...

Again thank you, for help


On Sep 20 2018, at 8:02 am, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:

On 20.09.18 09:59, Daniel Tryba wrote:
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 12:54:30AM -0300, volga629@networklab.ca wrote:
User location lookup looks like can't handle long $rU like
It always return -3 404 not found.

This username is only 38 chars long, I have a username in a 5.1.4
environment with 39 chars that works just fine.

What backend for storage of location are you using? If it is a sql
backend, what length is the username in the location table?
Just an extra hint -- do 'kamctl ul show' and see what is displayed for
the respective user. Is there a record for it? What is the state?


Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference -- www.kamailioworld.com
Kamailio Advanced Training, Nov 12-14, 2018, in Berlin -- www.asipto.com

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