I'm running Kamailio 4.4.6-2.1 installed from RPM on CentOS 7, where /var/run is a tmpfs (by default). After every reboot Kamailio fails to start with the following error:

Aug 16 00:27:39 sbc1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[7135]: ERROR: mi_fifo [fifo_fnc.c:72]: mi_init_fifo_server(): Can't create FIFO: Permission denied (mode=432)

I have the following line in my kamailio.cfg
modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/var/run/kamailio/kamailio_fifo")

At this point the /var/run/kamailio directory looks like this
drwx------.  2 root root      80 Aug 16 00:30 .
drwxr-xr-x. 26 root     root     880 Aug 16 00:30 ..
srw-------.  1 kamailio kamailio   0 Aug 16 00:30 kamailio_ctl

If I run "chown kamailio /var/run/kamailio" and "systemctl start kamailio" I am good to go. Am I missing something in my config? It appears Kamailio is creating the /var/run/kamailio folder as root, writing the kamailio_ctl file, dropping root privileges, and then trying to write the kamailio_fifo file.
