
Kamilio version 5.1.0

Please tell me why the module dispatcher does not correctly determine the availability of destination gateways.

The scheme is as follows:

Kamailio (udp:XX.XX.XX.XX:5060) ----- Provider_1 -----> (sip:aa.bb.cc.dd:5060) Dest GW
Kamailio (udp:YY.YY.YY.YY:5060) ------- Provider_2 -----/

In table dispatcher:

setid  |            destination        | flags |  priority |       attrs
   17   |  sip:aa.bb.cc.dd:5060  |   8     |   50       |   socket=udp:XX.XX.XX.XX:5060
   17   |  sip:aa.bb.cc.dd:5060  |   8     |   40       |   socket=udp:YY.YY.YY.YY:5060

That is, our server controls the availability of the remote gateway through two local sockets, in order to switch to the backup if it is not available through the primary Internet provider.

But as I understand at the moment when determining the availability of a remote gateway, the outgoing socket does not play any role, that is, if the remote gateway is not accessible through the secondary operator (priority is less than the primary one), only the one that has priority above is always inactive.

Are there any solutions to this problem?

BR. Evgeniy