Elena Ramona Modroiu wrote:
Then what do I put in source for avp_db_load()? It seems that source can only take either username or domain or both. Maybe define a uuid value and associate all gateways with the same uuid.
For loading, the AVP source can be either username or domain or both or uuid. In your situation, there are two cases: A. if all PSTN GWs are shared
- use a fixed "uuid" to load them; for the moment avp_db_load
accepts for uuid only an avp alias containing the uuid. So do: define as "avp_aliases=gw_uuid=i:4" and do avp_write("some_uuid","$gw_uuid"); avp_db_load("$gw_uuid",".....");
With the latest cvs version you can load AVPs directly using the value of 'uuid' column: avp_db_load("some_uuid", "some_avp_name") -- no more need to use an alias. The AVPOPS tutorial is updated as well as the readme file of the module.
Salutari, Ramona