My redirect server use ENUM, then I think that I couldnīt use rewritehost and forward because I donīt have static address (IP).

2006/7/18, Andrew And <>:
 But my server destination has dynamic IP because I am using ENUM (DNS). I could to use "rewrite" and "forward" if my servers were static.

2006/7/18, raviprakash sunkara < >:
use rewirtehost('ip','port'); or    forward('ip:port');

On 7/19/06, Andrew And < > wrote:
 How can I do Redirect in my Openser (server)? And if I have 2 or more destination I need to do redirect + fork.
 Does someone could help my?

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Thanks and Regards with cheers
Sunkara Ravi Prakash (Voip Developer)
Hyperion Technology
Kondapur, Hi-tech city,