2007/8/6, Kirk McCalla <kirk.mccalla@gmail.com>:
Hi Samuel this is what I did yesterday.
I loaded media proxy on my ser server as well as my remote server.
I commented the dispatcher part in the mediaproxy remote server ini file and I commented mediaproxy in the ini file that is loaded on the proxy server.

I configiured the ini file in ser to look like this.

;start = yes
;socket = /var/run/proxydispatcher.sock
;group = ser
;defaultProxy =domain://domain.net

why do you have ; at the starting of these lines??
Try to remove and see if mediaproxydispather starts

#start = yes
#socket = /var/run/mediaproxy.sock
#group = openser
#listen = None
#allow = None
#proxyIP =
#portRange = 60000:65000
#TOS = 0xb8
#idleTimeout = 60
#holdTimeout = 3600
#forceClose = 0


My DNS service records are set up to have

_mediaproxy._UDP.domain.net 0 0 server.domain.com

I would use  tcp as it is stated in the mediaproxy README file, it would probably won't work if you setup DNS to redirect traffic to UDP transport...

I still cant connect behind a nat

Am I supposed to see a dispatcher.sock file when media proxy is started on the ser server.

Let me know if you can help please.


On 8/6/07, samuel < samu60@gmail.com> wrote:
There's an init script in the mediaproxy sources (under boot directory) which would launch mediaproxy dispatcher as stated in the config file.
Case you configure mediaproxy dispatcher to use domain names, be sure DNS is properly configured.

Hope it helps,

2007/8/5, Kirk McCalla <kirk.mccalla@gmail.com >:
One more  thing how would I start the dispatcher.  I am not sur that I have it started.  I did a ps -ef|grep proxyldispatcher and ther ewas no Pid file.

On 8/4/07, Kirk McCalla <kirk.mccalla@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi I am trying to get media proxy to work with sip express router.

I am using a pstn configuration that seems to work fine when I am calling inside my network.
Now when I connect on e UA to an outside network and  try to call the inside network I get dead air.

this is the error that I get
 6(21198) error: mediaproxy/sendMediaproxyCommand(): can't connect to MediaProxy

I have downloaded media proxy and set it up on ser as wekk as my proxy server.
I have commented out the mediaproxy configs whenmedia server is runninmg on ser and on the media server box I have commented out  the dispatched infrmation.

I am using DSL so I have configiured them to listen on my public Ip address.

I have followed the install instructions and still cant get it to work

does any one have a working example of what the mediaproxy.ini file should look like.

ANd shed some light on where I mat be going wrong.


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