Bogdan-Andrei Iancu writes:
I manage to put the doc on the web along with the
nice ;).
Juha, looks like the devel section is very well documented.
thanks for the document. based on elias's email, i got an impression
that it would also be possible to issue commands from an application to
openser (like t_uac_dlg), but after reading section 1.1.1 of the
document, looks like it is the other way around, i.e., seas module is
the one that invokes application server based on a SIP request in the
same way as openser interacts with sems.
-- juha
ps. in my opinion, seams module documentation should only describe how
seams module works and the protocol that it uses to communicate with
application servers. it may include a pointer to some particular
application servers, but description of those application servers should
be done elsewhere. so all the java/wesip stuff should be described
outside of openser module document.