I have record-route set from 200 OK for INVITE as
Record-Route: <sip:pu3@P3.com:5060;lr>
Record-Route: <sip:pu2@P2.com:5060;lr>
Record-Route: <sip:pu1@P1.com:5060>
As the last record-route header doesn't have lr param(P1 might be expecting strict routing), in this combination can I send the ACK/BYE requests to sip:u@UA.com:5060 directly?
Is it possible to follow strict routing even though I get lr param?
While I was interoperating with sipgate.de (SIP express router)
I got ftag param and lr param in 200 OK, I was trying to send ACK/BYE requests to
record-route URI instead of final destination. Iam not getting any response for BYE.
Please help me.

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