Happy New Year!
From what I understand, replies are always sent back out of the listener on which they
were received, though `reply_to_via` (off by default) can override this and cause the exit
listener to be recalculated based on a real-time assessment of the best way to reach the
last Via hop.
Two questions arise:
1) If turning `mhomed` off, can `$fs` be used to override the exit interface of locally
generated replies, too? If so, where should it be done? In a request_route prior to a
send_reply() / sl_send_reply() / t_reply() call?
Or should it be done inside a local reply route or onsend_route?
2) Does this differ for locally generated replies vs. relayed replies, either statefully
or statelessly?
-- Alex
Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
Tel: +1-706-510-6800 / +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free)