I have two phones behind a Port Restricted Cone NAT (both in the same
private area) and ser is running with another public IP.
I want to call from one of those phone to the other. The call is set up and
I can talk, but one Softphone shows me the message: "Waiting
acknowledgement..."... and all followed SIP messages don't reach the other
phone. I'm using a STUN server.
Call from 14@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060 to 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1024:
14 -> ser:
IVITE 13@ip.of.ser.xxx@5060 (Contact: 14@
ser -> 13:
INVITE 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1024 (Contact: 14@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060)
13 -> ser
Trying and ringing (Contact: 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060)
(!!!!!!!!!!! <-- wrong port !!!!!!!)
13 -> ser
OK (Contact: 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060)
(!!!!!!!!!!! <-- wrong port !!!!!!!)
ser -> 14
OK (Contact: 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060)
(!!!!!!!!!!! <-- wrong port !!!!!!!)
14 -> ser
ACK 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060
ser -> 14
ACK 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060
14 -> ser
ACK 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060
... and so on... until timeout.
Does anybody know what is the problem... or better: the solution?