not yet, but I hope we will do it as soon as possible. This also depends of the people who use ser. To speed the things up, they should start using and testing the unstable version as much as possible - this will help us a lot in making a new stable version out of the current cvs head.
Java Rockx wrote:
Thanks for the info. I now see that I didn't ask my question exactly right. I'll ask the question correctly this time :-)
Have the maintainers of ser decided on a timeframe for when a stable release based on ser-0.8.99 will be available?
Many Thanks. Paul
--- Bogdan-Andrei IANCU wrote:
The next release will BE based on ser-0.8.99. bogdan
Java Rockx wrote:
Hello All.
This is really a question for the ser maintainers.
Have you guys decided on a timeframe yet for releasing ser-0.8.15? I'm just curious because there are a few features I'd love to use such as flatstore
avp, without putting ser-0.8.99-devXX in to a production environment.
Cheers, Paul
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