In 3.1.1 this worked just fine. In 3.1.3 it is giving me an error. I
am unsure what to check at this point for why it would be failing. I am
doing a kamailio -c to validate the config and not actually launching
the program but I do not think that should cause this.
modparam("app_lua", "register", "sqlops") is loaded.
if I remove that modparam line the config validates, however the lua
script would fail because it uses sqlops.
modules.lst is the same for building.
While I do not think that it is lua specific, both are using
liblua5.1.0, one is Ubuntu 11.04 natty (where it fails) and the other is
Debian wheezy (where its working).
0(18226) WARNING: <core>
[sr_module.c:578]: /usr/local/kamailio/lib64/kamailio/modules/ exports dlflags
interface is deprecated and it will notbe supported in newer versions; consider using
mod_register() instead
0(18226) : <core> [cfg.y:3412]: parse error in config file kamailio.cfg,
line 262, column 41: Can't set module parameter
As a side note the "notbe supported ..." line is missing a space between
not and be and a newline at the end.
Trixter aka Bret McDanel
pgp key: