Thank you very much Samuel I didn't know that we should add this line to the ser.cfg.
If we don't want to use aliases how should I avoid ser use it?


Alberto Cruz

Samuel Osorio Calvo wrote:
The problem is that you don't have
in your config file and therefore SER thinks you are not using aliases
and do not load the aliases tables.

To enable aliases you have to use the lookup("aliases") somewhere in
your config file.

I think this issue has been solved somewhere in the mailing list,


Alberto Cruz <> 03/22/05 05:15PM >>>
Please list let me know if someone is receiving this message, at least

give me a clue where to search for information about this error.

I really need your help.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	getting "error: 400; check if you use aliases in SER"
adding a new user with serctl
Date: 	Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:25:55 -0600
From: 	Alberto Cruz <>
To: 	'' <>

Hi list maybe this is an stupid question but I can't find any clue what

I'm doing wrong.

When I try to add a new user using serctl add I'm getting the following

error: 400; check if you use aliases in SER

What does "error: 400" mean? I have looked it at messages and I'm no 
receiving any log information. I'm using two aliases at my ser.cfg
I'm attaching my ser.cfg

How should I handle this error?


Alberto Cruz