

sorry for delay, I updated lua to 5.3 and luarocks also. I installed rocks which is based on lua 5.3. I tried to run lua script from Kamailio routing_logic, but it was not successful since app_lua module supports lua 5.1. I tried to re-compile app_lua module but with no success, needs some modifications. Finally, I used lua 5.1 and belonging rocks, it was the faster way.

So it is not an urgent task, but I think app_lua module needs some modifications to be compatible with lua 5.3.




From: sr-users [mailto:sr-users-bounces@lists.sip-router.org] On Behalf Of Daniel-Constantin Mierla
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2016 1:59 PM
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List <sr-users@lists.sip-router.org>
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] app_lua with lua5.3



I don't remember if I tried with lua 5.3 -- anyhow, do you get any issue there or you just asked in advance?



On 01/09/16 17:59, Péter Barabás wrote:



I would use lua5.3 with app_lua module. Is it possible since it is not compiled with lua5.1?






Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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