On 02.07.21 19:31, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
Transactions seems to be destroyed. Can you find out how long it took from the moment the reply was received and the crash happened?
It turned out that ngrep was available. It showed that reply
T 2021/07/02 06:07:02.069728 edgeproxy:5060 -> proxy:5060 [AP] #213066195 SIP/2.0 486 Busy Here. To: sip:XXXX@XXXX;user=phone;tag=h7g4Esbg_11002529899813. From: sip:XXXX@XXXX;tag=as6964f29d. Call-ID: XXXX@XXXX. CSeq: 102 INVITE. Reason: Q.850;cause=17. Content-Length: 0. Via: SIP/2.0/TCP XXXX;branch=z9hG4bK23e2.ce8205fde3fb53d2c403a1dd91cb7ebe.0;i=c3f1,SIP/2.0/TCP XXXX:5060;branch=z9hG4bK23e2.9d4d2e31445231782f2498b2f0f1a5c4.0. Contact: sip:atpsh-60d17ef9-4664-fe4a6-leg2@XXXX;transport=tcp. Record-Route: sip:XXXX;transport=tcp;lr;ftag=as6964f29d;pm=6-0;ice.
arrived at 06:07:02 and proxy crashed at 06:10:09. So the reply was hanging in the proxy for more than 3 minutes.
We'll try to find if there was any accounting/mysql related errors during that period.
Probably it hit end of lifetime:
* https://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/tm.html#tm.p.max_inv_li...
There is also (iirc) a hard cleanup of hung transactions, if a module or script blocks it indefinitely.
Cheers, Daniel