On Tuesday 19 July 2005 20:53, Sebastian Kühner wrote:
I have two phones behind a Port Restricted Cone NAT
(both in the same
private area) and ser is running with another public IP.
I want to call from one of those phone to the other. The call is set up and
I can talk, but one Softphone shows me the message: "Waiting
acknowledgement..."... and all followed SIP messages don't reach the other
phone. I'm using a STUN server.
Call from 14@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060 to 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1024:
14 -> ser:
IVITE 13@ip.of.ser.xxx@5060 (Contact: 14@
ser -> 13:
INVITE 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1024 (Contact: 14@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060)
sorry but what do you use STUN for if the UAs still use their private IPs and
your SER is re-writting the Contact? If you allready fixing the IP it should
be easy to fix the port as well.
Conclusion: throw away STUN. In case of symmetric NATs you have to find
another solution anyway. And you really do not want to try to determine the
NAT type with STUN.
13 -> ser
Trying and ringing (Contact: 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060)
(!!!!!!!!!!! <-- wrong port !!!!!!!)
13 -> ser
OK (Contact: 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060)
(!!!!!!!!!!! <-- wrong port !!!!!!!)
ser -> 14
OK (Contact: 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060)
(!!!!!!!!!!! <-- wrong port !!!!!!!)
14 -> ser
ACK 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060
ser -> 14
ACK 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060
14 -> ser
ACK 13@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060
... and so on... until timeout.
Does anybody know what is the problem... or better: the solution?
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