Hi all,
I recently added a function to openser.cfg as shown below:
if (uri=~"^sip:919(00|76)[0-9]{7}@") {
acc_db_request("403 - 900/976 Disabled", "acc");
xlog("L_INFO", "Cancel attempt to call 9xx number (not 911),
db recorded\n");
but when a user calls the 900/976 prefix, it records in the database and the
caller is restricted access, however, the caller waits too long before
finally hearing a busy signal. Is there a way to speed up a return on the
busy signal (some type of timer) or even possibly transfer the call to
Asterisk IVR to hear a recording like, call cannot be completed or
something, or some type of faster 486 busy (failure_route or record_route?).
Need advice and how should i implement.
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