On Wed, 2011-02-09 at 14:47 +0100, Klaus Darilion
Do you see PUBLISH requests with Event: dialog?
Note: those will be sent by pua_dialoginfo module to Kamailio itslef,
thus will be sent on the loopback interface. You should see them with
"ngrep -d any port 5060"
No, PUBLISH requests with event dialog are not generated. Instead of
dialog event, presence event is generated, but as for me, it should
work, as for instance eyeBeam is generating PUBLISH requests itself,
with event: presence.
You're saying that NOTIFYs with event dialog are empty, cause there are
not PUBLISH event: dialog?
Yes. The "presence server" is just a relay of
the content:
PUBLISH ---> presence server <---SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY---> client
If dialoginfo is not published into the presence server, the presence
server will send empty NOTIFYs.
There are 2 ways to get the dialoginfo published into the presence
server: either the phone does it (e.g. SNOM phones can do that, eyebeam
only publishes "presence" but not "dialog"info) or Kamailio can
the dialog state. See