I’m pulling two destinations out of a sql database that
I’d like to parallel fork on. I rewrite the main branches RURI to the
first result that’s returned then append the second result as a branch
using assignment to $br. The first call always rings correctly but the second
hangs and it looks like it’s sending a 407 to my UAC which already
authenticated on the initial INVITE.
if ($avp(s:alias_counter) == 0) {
# Replace the main branch URI with
the first result of the DB
$ru = "sip:" +
$dbr(result=>[0,0]) + "@" + $dbr(result=>[0,1]);
} else {
# For all other rows append them as
$br = "sip:" +
$dbr(result=>[$avp(s:alias_counter),0]) + "@" +
Sep 9 14:20:36 [12535] DBG:core:parse_msg: SIP
Reply (status):
Sep 9 14:20:36 [12535] DBG:core:parse_msg:
version: <SIP/2.0>
Sep 9 14:20:36 [12535] DBG:core:parse_msg:
status: <407>
Sep 9 14:20:36 [12535] DBG:core:parse_msg:
reason: <Proxy Authentication Required>
Do I need to bypass my authentication route for new branches
or am going about this wrong? In openser 1.3 using enum for forking I don’t
have to do any special logic for bypassing proxy_auth so I assumed it’d
be similar.