I have access to the admin web page
http://localhost/serweb/admin/index.php) with the default user "admin". I
can see the users I have created with the "serctl add..." wish.
The problem comes when clicking in the hyperlink "account" for one of the
users in the list (in the administration web page). A new page is opened,
and in the upper section appears the errors:
# Warning: fopen(/tmp/ser_fifo): failed to open stream: Permission denied
in /var/lib/serweb/html/functions.php on line 315
# Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /var/lib/serweb/html/functions.php:315) in
/var/lib/serweb/html/page.php on line 35
And written with red font, appears this message too:
# DB Error: no such table
# sorry -- cannot open write fifo
I have uncommented the line "fifo_mode=0660" at the /etc/ser/ser.cfg, as it
was told here at the list, but it goes wrong. I have changes permissions in
/tmp/ser_fifo, but then the web page doesnt get opened...
I would appreciate your help in this point, because I suppose that creating
user accounts and managing them is the only required step to intercomunicate
softphones in a simple LAN, isnt it?