When I consider the viability of an open-source project and the question of maintenance, I take a holistic view of the life cycle, and whether there is some significant base of developers or organisation with a declared commitment to furthering its development and some goals around that. This includes all facets of project management that make it usable to others, including keeping documentation current, etc.
Without this, there are just — in the best case — some commits happening. While noble and laudable, these are not propitious for a long-term and durable investment in an esoteric technology or system. And it is far from clear, anyhow, that one or two people’s occasional — if motivated — commits can defend against the encroaching forces of “bit rot”, shifting dependencies and operating environment characteristics, changing library APIs, new packaging systems, and in short all manner of entropy.
The community edition of SEMS is not a viable recommendation for the general mass of potential users in this sense. It might work for you because you know it very well and have personally contributed to it for some years, but this doesn’t make it practical for others and I cannot in good conscience recommend it for people who aren’t you, Sipwise or a handful of other shamans verses in its spells. :-)
— Sent from mobile, with due apologies for brevity and errors.
On Dec 25, 2021, at 1:30 PM, Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com wrote:
Alex Balashov writes:
I still believe it’s fair to say that there exists no significant commitment to the future of the open-source version, not as a matter of critical mass.
You wrote about SEMS not being maintained. Maintaining and significant contributions are two different things.
It would be great if there would be more contributions to SEMS. I use SEMS because there is nothing else open source (or perhaps not even commercial) that even close could serve as a replacement.
-- Juha
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