These are two different apps. with an ip parallel, (open)ser is a router, sipsak (or opensipsak by now I guess :-)) is traceroute. You use sipsak for testing ser responsiveness. Either standalone or as a plugin to other applications, such as nagios.
At 06:42 18/01/2007, Bill Neely wrote:
Received the following from Klaus a few weeks ago:
Does anybody have an example of how to use sipsak with openser. Does openser call sipsak, or is it the other way around?
Xantek, Inc. wrote:
I am sure this must have been covered somewhere, but I cannot find it.
I am trying to get openser to register with username and password and forward a call to that server. This is for outbound sip termination to the PSTN. openser is a proxy thus basically openser can'T do that.
Now the good news. For registration at the termination provider you can use sipsak. For sending authentication credentials to the termination provider openser has the "uac" module. But be aware that this module does not always works as it does not increase the cseq when sending the INVITE with credentials (search the archive for details). E.g. the uac module wont work if the termination providers uses Asterisk (as Asterisk checks the cseq)
regards klaus
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