Now I have "" module, but the presence ( busy, on the phone, idle ) isnt working.
The only error Im getting is this (when I do logout with X-Lite):
[20800]: ERROR:presence:get_stored_info: record not found in hash_table [20800]: ERROR:presence:handle_subscribe: getting stored info
Here is the code: if( is_method("PUBLISH|SUBSCRIBE")) route(2);
route[2] { log(3, "LOG: route 2 \n"); if (!t_newtran()) { log(3, "LOG: R2 - t_newtran\n"); sl_reply_error(); exit; };
if(is_method("PUBLISH")) { log(3, "LOG: R2 - PUBLISH \n"); handle_publish(); t_release(); } else if( is_method("SUBSCRIBE")) { log(3, "LOG: R2 - SUBSCRIBE\n");
handle_subscribe(); t_release(); } exit; # if presence enabled, this part will not be executed if (is_method("PUBLISH") || $rU==null) { log(3, "LOG: R2 - PUBLISH \n"); sl_send_reply("404", "Not here"); exit; } return; }
Thanks Regards Joao Pereira
Joao Gomes Pereira wrote:
I didn't knew this module was necessary. I was just using or
I have to compile it and I will try it. Thanks a lot Joao Pereira
Juha Heinanen wrote:
Joao Gomes Pereira writes:
But everytime I run X-Lite I get this error in Kamailio:
[7055]: LOG: route 2 [7055]: LOG: R2 - SUBSCRIBE [7055]: ERROR:presence:handle_subscribe: Missing or unsupported event header field value [7055]: ERROR:presence:handle_subscribe: event= message-summary
check with ngrep or wireshark how the subscribe message looks like. also check that you have loaded module.
-- juha