Thank you for your reply :-)
I checked the config file and found that in my config file fork is yes. My
fault on pasting the configure in my last email.
So it means it seem not to be related to fork.
BTW,do you mean the TLS-tutorial "http://www.openser.org/docs/tls.html" ?
if not ,can you give me the URL?
On 1/10/08, Christian Prechtl <christian.prechtl(a)gmx.net> wrote:
it is recommended to enable multi-process mode in the config-file for an
adequate function of OpenSER with TLS (fork=yes).
Your log shows that OpenSER is not able to open the Socket for TLS, which
is, as far as I know, due to the fact that no child process could have been
started for that socket.
Btw: Last year I set up an environment with MiniSIP as well where
everything worked well, referring to the descriptions in the TLS-tutorial.
fengbin schrieb:
I met a strange problem while I am testing TLS connection between minisip
and openser.
The following is my openser.cfg (part of that)
# Uncomment this to prevent the blacklisting of temporary not available
# # Uncomment this to prevent the IPv6 lookup after v4 dns lookup failures
# uncomment the following lines for TLS support
disable_tls = 0
listen = tls:
tls_verify_client = 1
tls_method = TLSv1
tls_certificate = "/usr/local/etc/openser//tls/user/user- cert.pem"
tls_private_key = "/usr/local/etc/openser//tls/user/user-privkey.pem"
tls_ca_list = "/usr/local/etc/openser//tls/user/user-calist.pem"
When I set "tls:" the registration never succeed. But if
I set it to 5060 the registration over TLS is OK.
I compared the log of two scenarioes and found the TLS session both are
OK,but the difference is that:
when the port is 5061 there is an error of forwarding. but the forwarding
is because openser think it's not the destination of
the registration request. See bellow:
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:rr:after_loose: No next URI found
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us:
12==12 && [] == []
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5061
matches port 5060
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:core:check_self: host != me
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:tm:t_newtran: T on entrance=0xffffffff
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: start searching:
hash=58073, isACK=0
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction matching
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: no transaction found
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] DBG:core:mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup...
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] ERROR:tm:update_uac_dst: failed to fwd to af 2,
proto 1 (no corresponding listening socket)
Jan 10 16:46:56 [9199] ERROR:tm:t_forward_nonack: failure to add branches
With comparition to that when the port is set to 5060 the trace is :
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:rr:find_next_route: No next Route HF found
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:rr:after_loose: No next URI found
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us:
12==12 && [] == []
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060
matches port 5060
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us:
12==12 && [] == []
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060
matches port 5060
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=8000000
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
Jan 10 17:07:59 [9410] DBG:registrar:build_contact: created Contact HF:
Contact: <sip:888@;transport=TLS>;expires=1000
And there is no fwd needed then.So the error didnt occur.
Its a little bit strange that when I set the port to 5061,why did openser
check the port 5060?????
Can anyone help me to figure it out?
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Christian Prechtl
A-1100 Wien
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Mobile: +43 664