indeed, by uac_replace_from("4321","") you will change only the display name - but at the end it depends on the phone what is displayed :). Most of the phones keeps in received call directory full address (display and URI).
regards, bogdan
unplug wrote:
Hi, Thanks. I will try the cvs head. Before that, I want to ask for the question about the caller display. Say the original caller number is 1234. The phone display of the callee will be 1234. Does the phone display of the callee will be 4321 after I use the uac_replace_from("4321","")? If not, how can I change the DNIS (for example: from caller display 1234 to 4321)?
On 1/10/06, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
indeed, there was a bug in calculating the position of the new display name - it;s fixed now on the cvs head - please give it a try and let me know if works ok now.
regards, bogdan
Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
It might be a bug in the module, please send the original SIP reply as well, to be able to trace the problem quicker.
On 01/06/06 13:08, unplug wrote:
I am using uac_replace_from function as below.
# replace only display and do not touch uri uac_replace_from("35418474","");
After running uac_replace_from function, I get the following message.
U -> SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress. Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKaed7.46cc4101.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bKHNHpldVsKca6IYUS.
From: "35418474";tag=sBl2gLH6O1myyqL5. To: "92588819";tag=47C61DF4-26CD. Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2006 10:41:17 GMT. Call-ID: yTCQvS56ZCZXCHgt@ Server: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x.
In the normal message, sip message, there is a space between display name and uri. ie. From: "35418474" However, after I apply uac_replace_from function, there is a space there. How can I add a space such that it looks like a normal sip message? Does the space will affect the caller display?
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