good point; I will do so..
regards, bogdan
Klaus Darilion wrote:
What about specifying alternatives? e.g.
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4), libmysqlclient14-dev | libmysqlclient-dev, libexpat1-dev, libxml2-dev, postgresql-dev | libpq-dev, libradius-ng-dev
regards, klaus
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hi Klaus,
there are two choices: libpq-dev and libpq4 postgresql-dev and libpq3
the reason why I choose the first one is because the status of "postgresql-dev" : postgresql-dev - development files for libpq (transitional package) and apt-cache show libpq-dev says: Replaces: postgresql-dev
so, it looks to me that "postgresql-dev and libpq3" will be soon outdated and replaced by "libpq-dev and libpq4". Also, your argument that libpq-dev does not appear in debian stable it's strong one.
If nobody has an objection, I will switch the dependency to "postgresql-dev" until the "libpq-dev" will be available in stable.
regards, bogdan
Klaus Darilion wrote:
HEAD version requires "libpq-dev" (libpq4), which is not in debian stable.
I'm on stable and use "postgresql-dev" (libpq3) without any problems.
Is there a reason why libpg4 is required? If not, I suggest stay with debian stable and require "postgresql-dev" (libpq3).
regards, klaus
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