
you can combine the two modes, there are functions exported by each KEMI module that you can run snippets of code from native kamailio.cfg route blocks.

For example, you keep the native scripting kamailio.cfg, then with app_jsdt (load parameter) you can have the js script like:

function ksr_json_update()
    var rtdoc = "";
    var rtobj;

    rtdoc = KSR.pv.gete("$var(json)");
    rtobj = JSON.parse(rtdoc);

    // update the rtobj ...

    KSR.pv.sets("$var(json)", JSON.stringify(rtobj));

Then, in the route blocks of kamailio.cfg:

    $var(json) = '{"x": "a"}';
    if(!jsdt_run("ksr_json_update")) {
        xlog("failed to execute js function\n");

    xinfo("new json: $var(json)\n");

KSR object is available, like in the case of having the routing blocks written entirely in the javascript.

Then, the other way around is possible as well, write the routing blocks in javascript (or lua, ...) and still define route[ABC] in kamailio.cfg which can be executed with KSR.route("ABC") from the KEMI script.


On 22.03.21 15:08, Jeremy McNamara wrote:
Hi Daniel - Thank you I will look into that.   Is it possible with KEMI to delegate individual route[] blocks into KEMI but leave others as kamailio.cfg native? 

For example, make all of my registration attempts get handled by KEMI, but the rest of the operations still live in kamailio.cfg.


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