I recently installed the latest version of openser and this time used mediaproxy rather than rtpproxy. Everything seems to work but if a sip device is called the phone rings and is instantally disconnected and the far end is left off-hook.  This worked before but I did modify my script to work with mediaproxy.  Below is the wireshark decode of the sip messagining. Any help or suggestions on where to look would be great.  Calls from the sip device works flawlessly. I am using a MaxTNT as the gateway.



|Time     |      | siprt1.me.net|      |

|22.031   |         INVITE SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   |SIP From: sip:8385021101@ To:sip: 8385024200@ siprt1.me.net:5060

|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |

|22.031   |         100 Giving a try              |                   |SIP Status

|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |

|22.031   |                   |         INVITE SDP ( telephone-event)          |SIP Request

|         |                   |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |

|22.040   |                   |         100 Trying|                   |SIP Status

|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |

|22.042   |                   |         180 Ringing                   |SIP Status

|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |

|22.042   |         180 Ringing                   |                   |SIP Status

|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |

|25.244   |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |SIP Status

|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |

|25.245   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   |SIP Status

|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |

|25.269   |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP Request

|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |

|25.269   |                   |         ACK       |                   |SIP Request

|         |                   |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |

|25.269   |         INVITE SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   |SIP From: sip: 8385021101@ To:sip: 8385024200@ siprt1.me.net:5060

|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |

|25.270   |         407 Proxy Authentication Required          |                   |SIP Status

|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |

|25.291   |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP Request

|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |

|25.291   |         BYE       |                   |                   |SIP Request

|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |

|25.293   |                   |         BYE       |                   |SIP Request

|         |                   |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |

|25.326   |                   |         200 OK    |                   |SIP Status

|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |

|25.327   |         200 OK    |                   |                   |SIP Status

|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |




